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How To Qualify


To qualify for the NRA XC Amateur National Championship, you must participate in a Qualifier.


At the Qualifier you must complete and turn into registration a NRA Qualifier form. The cost to try and qualify for the National is $20. This fee is separate from the club race fee. Only those who have filled out the NRA Qualifier form will be eligible to try and qualify for the national.

Riders must attend a Qualifier and finish in an advancement position to guarantee a spot into the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Riders may attempt to qualify for the National in as many Qualifiers as they choose. Riders who place in a qualifying position at the Qualifiers are invited to race at the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, but you may only race in one
Bike and/or ATV class at the National.


  • A guaranteed qualifying spot will be determined as such: The top 5 riders in each bike class/ATV class who have registered for the NRA Qualifier will be invited to race at the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.


As a reminder, this is an Amateur National Championship, and the following professional riders are NOT eligible to participate in the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP program:

  • ATV and Bike riders who have competed in the PRO class at these selected events in the current year. PRO class is deemed as:

    • PRO1 and PRO2 at NEPG.

    • PRO1 and PRO2 in US Sprint Enduro and,

    • PRO/AA in AMA EAST/WEST Hare Scramble Championship,

    • XC1 and XC2 classes in GNCC

  • Current year WMX riders may NOT compete in the Women’s class at the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP but ARE eligible to try and qualify in an A or B class.



If you finished in a guaranteed qualifying position for the National Championship, there is just one more step you need to take to confirm your spot at the NRA XC Amateur National Championship. Registration for the National Championship is required.  Riders MUST pre-register with National Racing Association by the deadline to keep that guaranteed spot.

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