Off road racing can be a hazardous sport, and with participation being voluntary, no entrant, pit crew member, spectator or any vehicle owner/insurer shall have any claim for damages, expenses, lawsuits or otherwise against track operator, Landowner, National Racing Association or its agents arising from damage to any vehicle, personal injury or death, monetary loss of any kind whatsoever.
Entrants, pit crew members or vehicle owner/insurer who voluntarily participate in any racing activities conducted under these rules waive any claim they may have against promoter (National Racing Association), track operator, Landowner. Note: any persons entering event premise that has not signed the waiver at entrance is and will be considered trespassing.
Medical Insurance
The National Racing Association does not provide medical insurance for competitors. This is an inherently dangerous sport and you are responsible for any and all medical bills as a result of entering the premises of the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.
Spectators are NOT allowed on the race course at any time. Spectators MUST stay a minimum of 25’ off of the designated race course at all times
Any Person(s) that interfere with any racer, change or alter course markings and or the race course will be asked to leave the premises immediately. Any rider(s) associated with such person(s) will be penalized up to disqualification​​
Pit Riding
There is NO UNAUTHORIZED PIT RIDING at the event. Permits for pit vehicles will be available at registration. You must fill out the application and have a valid driver’s license to obtain a permit. Any deviation from this could result in immediate disqualification of rider(s) associated with the violator. This is for the safety of all persons. Riders are responsible for the actions of their entire pit crew. Pit Vehicle Curfew is 10 PM.
Rider Qualifying Requirements
If eligible, Racers may try to qualify in 2 different classes for the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Racers, who meet the eligibility requirements, and who finish in a qualifying position, may race in 2 classes at the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.
Riders must compete in the same class at the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP as they do at their local series. Ex. If a rider that competes in the “B” class in another series/event they must compete at the “B” class at the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. This applies to AMA and non-AMA sanctioned events. In the event a racer is caught riding out of class, the affected racer will be removed from the race results and the class rescored. Protest will be accepted up to 30 minutes after results are posted.
During the current race season, if a racer is forced to move up by their local promoter, they may continue to race at the National (if qualified) in the class they qualified for, so as long as they do not voluntarily race in a higher class at any other promoters event, whether it is AMA or Non-AMA.
The following professional licensed riders are NOT eligible to participate in the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP program:
ATV and Bike riders who have competed in the PRO class at selected events in the current year.PRO class is deemed as:
XC1 and XC2 classes in GNCC
PRO/AA in AMA EAST/WEST Hare Scramble Championship,
PRO1 and PRO2 in US Sprint Enduro and,
PRO1 and PRO2 at NEPG.
Current year WMX riders may NOT compete in the Women’s class at the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP but ARE eligible to try and qualify in an A or B class.
A Classes
Riders that race in an A class in any AMA or non-AMA sanctioned XC events.
B Class
Riders that race in a B class in any AMA or non-AMA sanctioned XC events.
All B class champions shall move to A class for the following year.
C Classes
Riders that race in a C class in any AMA or non-AMA sanctioned XC events.
All C class champions shall move to B class for the following year.
Age Classes
Youth riders’ age as of January 1 will determine their age for the remainder of the year. Youth riders may move to the next higher age class in the Youth Division only if they will be eligible to do so at any time during the year. Once a rider moves to the next higher age class in competition, they may not move back to the lower age class. Schoolboy classes are considered a youth class.
Intermediate classes
Bikes – 65 Intermediate and 110 4-stroke. Class Champion shall automatically move to the Youth class the following year and may not race Intermediate.
ATV – 125 INT Mod and 125 INT Stock. Class Champion shall automatically move to the Youth class the following year and may not race Intermediate.
The minimum age for a Youth rider is 4 years old. The rider must be the minimum age at the time of the event he/she is entering.
Bike amateur riders must be at least 12 years old to race (with the exception of the youth classes), and must be at least 14 years old to compete on a bike above 250 cc.
ATV amateur riders must be at least 15 years old to race with the exception of the Schoolboy and Youth classes.
Schoolboy riders who want to race a 450cc machine must meet the age requirements for the class and may try and compete in the A,B, or C class.
Bikes Classes
Open A, B, & C – Bikes must be 250cc and over. 2/4 Strokes.
250 A, B, & C – Bikes must be 200cc-250cc. 2/4 Strokes
150 C – Bikes must be 122cc-150cc. 2 Stroke
Schoolboy 13-17 (86-150cc 2-stroke or 150-250cc 4-stroke). 13-yr olds are not eligible to compete on machine models from 201cc to 250cc.
Youth and Intermediate
Big wheels are NOT allowed in Mini. Sr., Mini Jr., or intermediate classes. Big wheel machines must be ran in the Supermini classes.
Super Mini (79-112cc 2-stroke or 75-150cc 4-stroke) Max Wheels: Front 19inch and Rear 16inch Big and small wheel models permitted.
Mini Sr (79-85cc 2-stroke or 75-150cc 4-stroke) Max Wheels: Front 17inch and Rear 14inch Max Wheelbase: 51inch. Small wheel models only.
Mini Jr (79-85cc 2-stroke or 75-150cc 4-stroke) Max Wheels: Front 17inch and Rear 14inch Max Wheelbase: 51inch. Small wheel models only.
110 4-stroke (7-12) Max 110cc 4 stroke
50 Senior (8-9) and 50 Junior (6-7) Max Front Wheel is 12inch.
50 Junior class (4-5), Max Front Wheel is 10inch.
50 Jr (4-5) classes are limited to the following OEM models: Cobra CX50 Jr, Cobra CX50P3, Cobra MC-E5, Honda CRF 50, Husky EE-5, KTM Mini Adventure, KTM SX Mini, KTM Mini-E, Yamaha PW50 and Yamaha TTR50E..
Mini-E: Mini-E models are eligible in all Pee Wee classes in accordance with class age and wheel size requirements except for 50 shaft drive.
​ATV Classes
Production Rule: OEM motor and matching frame combination model required (matching year NOT required), The geometry of the frame must remain as designed by OEM, including all suspension pivot points. Aftermarket A-arms, caster brackets, engine modifications, frame re-enforcements, LSR frames, suspension and swing-arms are permitted.
Schoolboy 13-17: (90-200cc 2-stroke or 90-330cc 4-stroke) Production/Non-production models. Hybrids allowed (400cc 4-stroke) Production models only.
Super Mini 12-15: (200 2-stroke or 330 4-stroke). Production or NON Production models. Hybrids allowed.
Youth 300 4-stroke and Girls 300 4-stroke (12-15). Up to 300cc 4-stroke, Production models only.
Girls Junior 7-11: (90 2-stroke or 125 4-stroke) Production models only.
125 Stock and 125 INT. Stock (75-125cc 4-stroke) Production models. This excludes production race machines such as apex, cobra, drr, etc. The following modifications are not allowed: A-arm, air box, carburetor, electronics (including CDI and ECU), gas tank, oil injection, rear axle, wheelbase and the width of machine.
125 Modified and 125 INT. Modified which will include production Race Ready ATV’s such as apex, cobra, drr, etc. (71-90cc 2-stroke or 75-125cc 4-stroke). Shifter, Automatic and CVT models eligible, engine / suspension modifications are allowed.
90 4-stroke age 7-12 (up to 90cc-4 stroke Production Only). This excludes production race machines such as apex, cobra, drr, etc. The following modifications are not allowed: A-arm, air box, carburetor, electronics, gas tank, oil injection, rear axle, wheelbase and the width of machine.
All machines must have silencers at the start of their race.
The machine a rider leaves the starting line on is the machine of the rider for the entire race and may not be switched during the race.
Riders may not carry gasoline during the race except inside the machine's fuel tank.
All machines must have a working kill switch (bikes) or tether cord (ATV)
Protective pants made of durable material and long sleeved jerseys must be worn in all competition.
Boots must be worn in all meets. They must be at least 8 inches high with any combination of laces, buckles or specially designed and constructed for leg and foot protection.
Eye protection (Goggles) must be worn at the beginning of the race and strongly recommended for the entire race.
It is mandatory for all participants to wear a full face protective helmet. The helmet must be properly fastened, be of good fit, and be in good condition. The helmet must have a chin strap.
Proof of age must be available. A rider could be disqualified if unable to provide proof of age. If under 18 the youth must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Rider must bring HELMET to registration for transponder placement and testing.
Transponders will be available for purchase at Rider Registration.
At registration, riders will be given a number label to be placed on both chin guards of helmet and a class sticker to be placed on back of helmet.
Racer must be registered 30 minutes prior to their race starting time.
Start Procedure
No one is permitted on the starting line 30 minutes prior to start time.
The Riders Meeting will be conducted in the starting area before the start of each race. All riders are responsible for attending and their engines must remain off during the riders meeting.
Riders who arrive late to the riders meeting MUST shut their engines off and push their machine to their starting position as to not disrupt the riders meeting. Failure to do so will result in a penalty up to disqualification from the event.
All starts are dead engine with the exception of Pee Wee. The start procedure will be as follows:
The red flag will signal all riders to shut off your engines and all crew members must step behind the riders at this point. Shortly after the red flag is thrown the starter will give the “10 seconds” yell. Within that 10 second period the green flag will be thrown signaling the start of the race for that row. The procedure will repeat for each row, which will be released at approximately 30 second intervals. The red flag will signal all riders to shut down their engines.
Riders starting their machines prior to the green flag signal, or taking off with the wrong row will be penalized per official’s decision.
Any rider’s machine that does start prior to the starter waiving the red flag for shutting down the next row is required to immediately remove his/her machine from the starting area. The rider may continue to start his/her machine from the side of the starting area, and if and when his/her machine starts are eligible to take off after the next row leaves the starting area.
Riders missing the start of their class must enter the racecourse at the starting line.
Transponder scoring shall be utilized for the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.
All riders are required to slow down when entering the Finish area.
The Finish area is defined as the area from the double blue poles prior to the finish line to the double blue pole after the scoring tent. This is a strict idle zone and no passing zone. The finish line sign is the actual finish. There will be absolutely no passing between the finish line and the scoring tent.
All racers must stop under the scoring tent and wait to leave until instructed to do so. This is a safety concern and will be monitored with the strictest conformity.
The Race Course
The XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP course will be marked with arrows, tape, banners, ribbon, staked markings, etc. Single arrows mark the center of the course. The course will extend twenty-five (25) feet on each side of a single arrow.
Double arrows (arrows on each side) will mark the boundary of the course and ALL riders must pass through the double arrowed section. If a rider misses a double arrowed section and does not immediately return and pass through the section, that rider can be assessed a penalty up to a one (1) lap penalty. There will be no exceptions.
Tape, banners, fences, etc. all mark the boundary of the course. Areas that are marked with tape or banners are specific widths for a reason. Many of these areas are to slow down the rider when entering a particular area.
The race course will be marked with color arrows:
Bike Races Arrow Background
Bike PM Red White
Bike AM Red White
Bike Youth Blue White
Bike Inter. Green White
Bike PeeWee Black White​ -
ATV Races Arrow Background
ATV PM Red White
ATV AM Red White
ATV Youth Blue White
ATV Inter. Green White
ATV PeeWee Black White
The track will be open Thursday through Sunday for inspection. People are permitted to walk or bicycle the course. No motorized vehicles allowed. (E-MTBs are allowed)
Under no circumstance may anyone other than a race official modify or alter the course or course markings, tape, banners, etc. Any person found to have changed, altered, or remove course markings, tape, banners, etc. without express permission of the NRA and/or Referee will be asked to leave the premises. Any rider associated, in any way, will be immediately disqualified and also asked to leave the premises. Any and all registration and/or gate fees will be forfeited.
Race duration: Race times weather permitting.
Bike Divisions Length
Bike PM 2:30 hr
Bike AM 2:00 hr
Bike Youth 1:30 hr
Bike Inter. 0:30 min.
Bike PeeWee 0:30 min
ATV Divisions Length
ATV PM 2:00 hr
ATV AM 1:30 hr
ATV Youth 1:00 hr
ATV Inter. 0:30 min
ATV PeeWee 0:30 min
Riders must follow their arrows and remain on the marked course.
If a rider stops for any reason during an event, he/she must restart without any outside assistance. However, if a rider falls, is blocking the course or endangering other riders, he/she may receive outside assistance or have his machine moved off the course or out of harm’s way.
If a racer encounters a traffic jam they may go more than 25 feet off course in order to navigate around the traffic jam but must re-enter the course as soon as possible.
All riders must control their vehicle in a manor to stay within the course. Any rider running through or knocking down said course markings (including marking tape) may be penalized. The penalty for this will be a minimum of a thirty (30) second delay and the maximum of one (1) lap penalty per each occurrence. If a rider is forced out of a marked section then the penalty may be waived. This is at the sole discretion of the referee.
A rider whose machine is disabled before reaching the finish line may push his/her machine (in the direction of the track) across the finish line to receive the checkered flag. A rider who finishes in this manner will be considered as having completed the event. Towing/hauling of the machine is not allowed.
Each rider is responsible for the actions of his pit crew and/or all parties associated with rider, regardless of riders’ age. If any pit crew member and/or parties associated with rider violate any rules, the associated rider will be held responsible for such actions.
Race Finishes
The race is completed when the physical leader takes the checkered flag.
Riders will be scored in order of their finish and number of laps completed.
The finish will remain “open” for riders to complete their final lap, a minimum of 150% of the physical leader’s last lap. (example: if the physical leader completed the last lap in 10 minutes, the finish would stay open a minimum of 15 minutes after the time the checkered flag was thrown) The finish line can be closed at any time after the 150% time has expired. It is up to the discretion of the referee and/or head scorer to determine the actual time the finish is closed. Riders completing their last after the finish is closed will not be scored for that lap.
Immediately upon the checkered flag being issued, the track sweeper will begin the sweep lap. Riders that have stopped on the course (for any reason) will be called in and will not be scored for the lap they are currently on. Riders must remain in front of the sweep rider at all times in able to be scored. Any rider not able to maintain the sweep riders pace will be asked to exit the course immediately and will not be scored for that lap. Once the sweep rider calls in a rider for not maintaining pace or for have stopped on the course, that rider will not be scored.
Protests must be in writing with the XC AMATEUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Protest Form.
A rider who refuses to turn over their machine for inspection at the request of the referee or NRA official will be automatically disqualified from the event.
Awards are given to the top 10 in each class.
Penalties will be addressed by the Race Official and may include: warnings, time delay, final result position, and disqualification.